Roger Lee's argument (Oxford Mail, March 13) that we would be much better off if Britain had adopted the euro a year or more ago is very simplistic.

It isn't just a matter of relative exchange rates and the price of oil.

Adopting the euro would have involved surrendering virtually all our fiscal freedom to Europe, along with our remaining gold reserves (the few that Gordon Brown hadn't sold off so cheaply).

Further, if we had not joined the EU (aka 'the Common Market') in the first place, the many billions we have poured into its seemingly bottomless pit would still be ours - along with our fishing, farming and manufacturing industries, our cheaper food and fuel, lower taxes. Need I go on?

Incidentally, the spellcheck on my computer does not recognise the word 'euro'.

One of the words it suggests in its place is 'neurosis'.

I think that just about sums it up!

RODERICK TAYLOR The Park Cumnor Oxford