Sir - It is disappointing to see Capital Shopping's idea of what their flats by Castlemill Stream will' look like in your paper.

The outcome of last December's public inquiry into whether or not Abbey Place housing, for vulnerable and disabled people, can be evicted and demolished is not yet known.

Capital Shopping have said if they cannot demolish this housing they cannot proceed with their scheme. Oxford City Council's evidence to the inquiry was that the benefits of the Westgate scheme outbalance the needs and rights of the residents of Abbey Place. In opposition, the evidence that I gave argued that the residents had the right to remain in peace where they are and the car park, currently only two-thirds utilised, need not be replaced but could be smaller.

The works that are currently proceeding are doing so at financial risk to Capital Shopping, because their scheme may yet not go ahead. Capital Shopping believe the inspector will rule in their favour and are gambling on that. But until the public inquiry outcome is issued, the future of their scheme remains just that, a gamble, and not a firm plan.

Sushila Dhall, Oxford City Council; Oxfordshire County Council