CHURCHES Together in Headington beat the bad weather by having a Palm Saturday procession, rather than the traditional Palm Sunday event.

And Baptist minister the Rev James Bloice Smith headed the procession carrying a cross, rather than the more traditional leading of a donkey.

He said: "This was the first time we had held an event marking Passiontide in Headington and it was very well attended.

"There were more than 110 adults and children in the procession, which went from All Saints Church, in Lime Walk, to Bury Knowle Park, where an ecumenical service was held."

Churches sticking to the Palm Sunday procession, commemorating Christ's entry into Jerusalem, had a rainy morning to contend with and umbrellas were the order of the day.

At Dorchester, the Rev Canon Sue Booys led the procession around the village and into the Abbey with Brandy the donkey.

And at Wantage, the parade went from Holy Trinity Chapel, in Charlton, to the parish church of St Peter and St Paul in the town centre, while in Abingdon churchgoers took to the streets around Preston Road.