ELLIOT BOURKE, 28, of Harpenden, Herts, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a breath specimen at Banbury police station. He was fined £800, banned from the roads for a year and a half and must pay £165 in costs and surcharge.

LEE OFFILL, 45, of Hamfield, Wantage, pleaded guilty to breaching a restraining order by being at the property of a woman protected by the order. He was fined £307 and must pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

BARRY PULLEN, 37, of Harcourt Terrace, Oxford, was found guilty of harassing a woman by sending her text messages last October. He also assaulted the woman and another by beating them in Abingdon. He was given a community order with 80 hours of unpaid work and a requirement to complete the Building Better Relationships programme with the probation service. He was also ordered to pay £250 in compensation and a £95 victim surcharge. A restraining order bans him from contacting one of his victims until July 2025.

BARTOSZ PRZYBYLOWICZ, 30, of Snowdrop Drive, Didcot, was given nine months’ imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to possession of a hammer in Greenwood Way, Harwell, on June 25. He also admitted breaching an earlier community order imposed in 2021 for drink driving. He must pay £220 in costs and surcharge.

DARREN DAVISON, 50, of Gordon Street, Oxford, admitted making threatening telephone calls to a detective constable in April 2020. He was given a community order with a drug rehabilitation activity requirement and must pay £200 in compensation.

DALE TAYLOR, 30, of Wentworth Road, Rugby, was jailed for 30 weeks after he admitted driving a white Range Rover in Dunnock Way, Oxford, while disqualified. An earlier suspended sentence for drink driving and driving while disqualified was activated by the magistrates. He was banned from driving for a further four years and ordered to pay £241 in costs and surcharge.

KRISHAN SELVAMANOHARAN, 38, of Batchworth Lane, Northwood, Herts, admitted speeding on the A41 near Bicester. He was caught doing 94mph on the road, which has a 50mph limit. He was fined £700, banned from driving for 28 days and ordered to pay £90 in costs.

IGA SZLACHTA, 24, of Eynsham Road, Botley, pleaded guilty via the single justice procedure to speeding on the A40 Northern Bypass. She was caught doing 97mph on the dual carriageway, which has a speed limit of 50mph. She was fined £440, banned from driving for 28 days and must pay £134 in costs and surcharge.

JOSHUA BRADY, 25, of Sycamore Road, Botley, admitted drug driving a Vauxhall Corsa on the M40 in January. He was over the limit for cannabis. He was fined £323, banned from driving for a year and ordered to pay £119 in costs and surcharge.

JAMES GIBSON, 21, of Honey Lane, Cholsey, pleaded guilty to drink driving a Vauxhall on the High Street, Oxford, in January. He had 139mlg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. The legal limit is 80. He was fined £200, banned from the roads for 18 months and ordered to pay £119 in costs and surcharge.

ANIS ALI, 31, of St Pauls Road, Bedford, pleaded guilty to driving a VW Passat on the A34 near Botley without insurance and while over the cannabis drug-driving limit. He was banned from driving for two years, fined £200 and ordered to pay £119 in costs and surcharge.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.  

To get in touch with him email: Tom.Seaward@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @t_seaward