This time last year, I pointed out that in Abingdon, the Lesser Spotted Liberal and the Common Crested Conservative had once again returned after their four-year hibernation and I correctly stated that they would go after a few weeks for another four years. How right I was.

In Abingdon, however, we have more trouble from a new rodent.

I do not know if any of your other readers follow nature, but if they come across the Bobble Hatted Councillor, do not approach.

These creatures have managed to destroy the small businesses in Abingdon with little effort, by ensuring the traffic system is totally unmanageable and only charity shops can afford the high rents on commercial properties.

The squawking of "Vote for me" has changed to the tapping of the Crafty Tail Carpenter who, without notice, put up for sale or closed signs on the little businesses.

I am sure these Bobble Hatted Councillors were the runts of their litter and bullied from birth - that can be only reason for the ludicrous decisions. It's their way of getting their own back.

I remember the days when Abingdonians used to sneer at Didcot and the state of the place.

However, what we didn't realise is the fact that they have a council that cares and now Didcot is a shining beacon of how a town should be.

I use Didcot more than Abingdon for shopping and I live two miles from its centre. That says it all really!

Never mind, it's only another three years until we hear the tapping on doors from the Lesser Lying Candidate - and I, for one, will believe all they say.

JOHN MONAGHAN Cotman Close Abingdon