They give it with one hand, and take it with the other. Successive Governments have told us that they are in the business of cutting taxes. But when they do, there are always strings attached. While one tax comes down, others go up. Often the increases are hidden and don't become evident until they suddenly hit you. One example is the cut in tax relief to charities. When taxpayers give money to them, charities have been able to claim back the tax - 28p in every pound. But from April 5, the Government is cutting the figure to 25p. A drop of 3p may not be a lot on a single, small donation, but the pennies will add up to many thousands of pounds to many charities which rely on the Gift Aid income. Supporters will now have to work extra hard to make up this lost money. The Government's action in targeting charities is deplorable - a clear case of daylight robbery. Many charities struggle as it is to make enough money for their causes. For the Government to put additional obstacles in their way will only make life more difficult. It is particularly galling to think that many charities are, after all, doing work that should be paid for by the Government in the first place.