A MAJOR music festival is set to return to Oxfordshire next month - and bands across the county are being called on to get involved.

Oxjam, which is made up of thousands of events put on by music lovers across the UK, is in aid of Oxford-based charity Oxfam.

And after a month of music in October, which saw 24 events held in Oxford involving 288 different musicians, Oxjam returns to the city for another month in April.

Among those getting involved will be Oxford four-piece The Half Rabbits.

Lead singer and guitarist Michael Weatherburn, 27, of Botley Road, said: "Oxjam is great. It brings in people who have no real experience of this kind of thing.

"They can get advice on how to put on shows and raise money. And, of course, the money goes to a good cause instead of being kept by the promoter."

Benny Littlejohn, Oxjam manager, said: "Oxjam is a great chance for musicians to get exposure to bigger audiences as well as helping us to fight poverty.

"We would love to see people in Oxford building on the success of October's events and putting on some great shows this April."

In 2006, The Half Rabbits, who met at Cherwell School, performed an Oxjam gig at the Port Mahon, in St Clement's, raising £350.

This year, the group will be performing for the charity festival at The Wheatsheaf, off Oxford High Street, on Friday, April 25.

Mr Weatherburn said: "It will be great, we are looking forward to it very much."

Other events taking place next month are still in the planning stages.

To get involved in Oxjam, or for more information, go to oxfam.org.uk/oxjam or call 0870 9059060.

4:59pm Friday 7th March 2008