I was appalled to learn that Green and Labour city councillors have voted to raise council tax by a huge margin (Oxford Mail, February 19).

Coming from an area represented by two Labour councillors, I felt particularly angry that the people who are supposed to be representing my and my neighbours' views felt that this was in our best interest.

This seems to be yet another demonstration of Labour and Green councillors throwing money at problems instead of looking for proper solutions.

Once again, taxpayers' money is being wasted.

None of the extra spending is going to create any real improvements in council services.

Before they throw money at things, they should look at what the real problems are.

For example, Labour and the Greens are spending £100,000 on the Peers Sports Centre, which will be closing in August.

If they could afford to keep it open permanently, it would be worth it, but what's the point spending all that money on a facility which is going to close anyway?

Labour and the Greens have shown again that all they can offer is funding and not answers.

Labour and the Green Party have shown that they have a shared ideology of wasting taxpayers' money and betraying the interests of Oxford's low-income earners.

JOE CHICK Riverside Court Long Ford Close Oxford