TWO new groups have started on an Oxford estate, offering advice and support to young couples and parents from ethnic minorities.

Baby G and the Chandni Group kicked off their weekly classes at Rose Hill and Littlemore Children's Centre in The Oval, Rose Hill, on Monday. Baby G, short for baby group, is designed to provide guidance to young parents under the age of 23.

The Chandni Group, whose name means moonlight in Urdu, offers guidance and childcare to parents from ethnic minorities.

Both groups run between 1pm and 3pm every Monday. Baby G co-organiser Ginnie Herbert said: "It's their group. They will direct what they want to do, whether they want to come and talk or go on an outing - it's up to them.

"We will have a health visitor here so we hope to attract pregnant members as well as mothers. We hope to build it up so it is known as a place for parents to come."

Natasha Saunders, 21, from Rose Hill, brought her daughter Alyssa, 11 months, to Baby G. She said: "It gives parents a break. The kids can go and play and you can relax and meet other parents. You can talk to people with older children and get advice."

Fellow organiser Cheryl Buy said: "It's about giving younger parents somewhere to go where they feel safe and don't feel pressured."

Chandni Group member Aziza Shafique, Oxfordshire County Council's Asian-families development officer, said: "We are a group for ethnic families with children under five years old. Asian parents can be very isolated and this will help them boost their confidence."

For information about the groups, call the children's centre on 01865 716739.