From what I read in the press and hear on the radio, our honourable MPs appear to be making 'capital' out of their expense accounts.

First homes, second homes, offshore accounts, trustee accounts, nepotism, you name it, and you will find they have dabbled in it.

The alleged ruses used to abuse the system are clever, ingenious, and most of all, they are a step ahead of the taxman.

What a pity that the same rules and generous expense accounts are not open and available to the ordinary man to create his own tax haven.

If he placed his fully paid for home in a trust arrangement for his children, then claimed benefit to pay the rent and council tax and obtain all other benefits open to him, he would be rightly sent packing by the benefits office for wilfully making himself homeless.

Maybe I am wrong. What do other readers or tax experts think?

Possibly the benefits office which deals with all claims and could answer this hypothetical question.

VIM RODRIGO Rivermead Road Rose Hill Oxford