LOVE will be in the air in classrooms at one Oxford school today - and it will all be for a worthy cause.

Pupils at Cheney School, in Cheney Lane, Headington, will be sending each other roses, chocolates and Valentine's messages to help a fundraising drive to pay for children from Leon, Oxford's twin city in Nicaragua, to visit Britain.

Sixth-former Alice Stott, 16, organised the event and is part of Cheney's Leon Link group. She was one of five students who visited Leon last summer. She said: "We're hoping to be able to bring a group of Nicaraguan children to Oxford and to Cheney as part of an exchange system. We hope to raise between £200 and £500."

She is one of the group of students, including Tess Walker, pictured, who will be delivering 300 roses, four kilos of chocolates and 500 messages today. Pupils paid £1 to send a message and a rose, £2 to send a message and a chocolate or £3 to send all three.