Crime-fighters on an Oxford estate are turning into poster pin-ups in a bid to make sure people know who they are.

Sgt Martin Ford, Pc Jerry Kidd and Police Community Support Officers Thomas Coulman, George Dean and Simon McSweeney have had their faces and contact details put up on noticeboards across Wood Farm. Pc Kidd, the area's neighbourhood specialist officer, said: "People need to know who we are and know how to contact us. We have put these posters up all around the area - in schools, clubs and associations."

The first Neighbourhood Action Group (Nag) meeting - a volunteer group made up of community representatives - was held in Wood Farm Community Centre last October. Residents said the top priorities in Wood Farm were antisocial behaviour, speeding and parking.

Pc Kidd said: "November, December and January has seen a lot of work around the issue of dangerous and irresponsible parking outside Windmill Primary School and Wood Farm Primary School.

"Both headteachers have given us tremendous support with this problem and a very successful road safety week took place at Windmill Primary before Christmas.

"Both schools have sent out letters to all the parents identifying the dangers of irresponsible parking and informed the parents of our intention to enforce the issue.

"My team of PCSOs have issued 15 tickets for parking offences between November and January.

"We are compiling a list of all individuals who have been stop-checked in our area as a result of their antisocial behaviour and will look at issuing an Acceptable Behaviour Contract to each of them.

"The issue of speeding is also being researched. We are in the process of organising training and insurance to enable us to use a speed-indication device."

The team can be contacted on 08458 505505. Alternatively, email