FOOD donations are needed in Witney.

The town council has reinstated a donation point for the Witney and West Oxfordshire Food Bank, which is now located in Market Square at 1863 café in the Corn Exchange.

They are looking for donations of items including rice, oil, spreads, squash, cereals, pasta sauces, tinned fruit, tinned meat, instant noodles, instant coffee and cleaning supplies.

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Volunteers said that they usually have 45 food parcels going out of their centre every five days and that the number is likely to increase in the colder months.  

They are also preparing food parcels for Ukrainian families until they receive their grants from West Oxfordshire District Council.

If you are hosting anyone in this situation, get in touch via their Facebook page.

To donate, visit

Read more from this author

This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers. 

Get in touch with her by emailing:

Follow her on Twitter @AnnaColivicchi