A Londoner was cleared of drugging one of his two alleged victims.

Luiz da Silva Neto, 35, is standing trial at Oxford Crown Court accused of drugging and sexually assaulting two men in a cottage in Middle Barton, west Oxfordshire, last winter. He denies all charges.

Jurors retired on Tuesday to consider their verdicts on eight counts, including administering a substance with intent, rape, non-consensual sexual activity and kidnap.

The 12-strong panel returned to courtroom four at 2.45pm today, where they were asked to confirm whether they had reached verdicts on any count on which they were all agreed.

The forewoman replied to Judge Michael Gledhill QC’s question, saying the jury had reached a unanimous verdict on one of the counts.

She confirmed the verdict – not guilty – on count three, which was administering a substance to the second complainant with intent to stupefy or overpower. The count alleged da Silva Neto had given the second complainant an 'unknown substance' in the car 'on or before December 10, 2021.


Judge Gledhill told the jury that the time had come when he would accept majority verdicts, where at least 10 of the 12 members of the panel agreed.

He urged them to continue trying to reach unanimous verdicts, but added: “If the time comes when you cannot reach unanimous verdicts, you can now [return] majority verdicts.”

The jury was sent home for the day, with the trial expected to recommence at 10am on Thursday.

During the two-and-half week trial, jurors have heard how the defendant is accused of performing an oral sex act on the first complainant, who was at the Middle Barton cottage to help with some DIY work in November last year.

The second man was allegedly kidnapped from the Kings Road, having spent the night drinking with his colleagues in Chelsea on the night of December 10, before being driven to another flat in London and then on to Oxfordshire. The alleged victim, who claimed to have barely any memory of the incident, woke at 10am the following morning to discover he was miles away from the capital.

The defendant denies wrongdoing, saying the sexual activity with both men was consensual. He claimed to have met the second man as he stopped at a cash point. The man wanted to carry on partying, he claimed, and joined him in the car.

Da Silva Neto, of Riverlight Quay, Wandsworth, denies administering a substance with intent and engaging in sexual activity without consent with two men. He is accused of the rape and kidnap of the second man against whom the defendant is accused of committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence.

The trial continues.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.  

To get in touch with him email: Tom.Seaward@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @t_seaward