A GIANT sculputre of the Earth has been put up inside one of Oxford's historic buildings. 

Measuring at a whopping six-metres in diameter the 'humbling' peice of art works out as 2.1million times smaller than the real Earth.

It's been recreated from extremely detailed NASA pictures of the Earth's surface and each centimetre of the sculpture represents 21km of our planet. 

It aims to create the 'overview effect' reported by some astronauts when viewing earth from space.

The work, which is called Gaia and was created by Luke Jerram, is now inside the University Church of St Mary the Virgin in the High Street as part of the Oxford Festival of the Arts. 

The globe sits inside the steeple above the historic arches. 


Writing on Twitter, Dr Michelle Castelletti, who is the director of the festival wrote: "And it's up! Welcome to Oxford, GAIA! It's humbling really." 

The work can be admired from June 24 to July 10 and will be open from 9.30am until 5pm (or 6pm in July) from Monday to Saturday.