Thousands of pupils across Oxfordshire dressed as their favourite characters for World Book Day.

Schools were delighted to be able to give the celebration of children's books their full attention last week after it was disrupted by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

Oxford Mail:

Lots of Oxford Mail readers submitted their favourite pictures and some of them will feature tomorrow in a special supplement in the Oxford Mail.

This year's event was the 25th anniversary.

Oxford Mail:

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World Book Day is a charity with the aim to help change children’s lives by making reading together and reading for pleasure a habit for life.

The organisation says that reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator for success in life - more than family circumstances, educational background, or income.

Oxford Mail:

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A spokesperson said: "Sharing stories together for just ten minutes a day will encourage a love of reading and it’s fun for everyone!

Oxford Mail:

"You can read together anywhere and everywhere, from breakfast to bedtime! In the park, on the train, on the sofa, on a plane – reading and sharing stories can happen anywhere at any time."

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