With Central Oxford being the worst neighbourhood for bike theft in England and Wales, it's important people know how to keep their bike safe.

There were 214 reports of bike theft in the city centre between March and August 2021.

ALSO READ: Central Oxford is worst neighbourhood for bike theft in England and Wales

Data from Thames Valley Police also reveals Oxford - as an entire area - is the second worst for bike theft in England and Wales, with 930 reports made in the same time period.

Oxford Mail: Bikes at Oxford train stationBikes at Oxford train station

No one wants to see their bike get stolen, so we've put together a list of tips from Thames Valley Police and cycling campaigners Cyclox on how to keep your bike safe and secure.

  1. Use high-quality D-locks - ideally two; one locking the wheels to the frame and the other locking the bike to an approved stand. 
  2. Secure your bike as close to the stand as possible to give any thieves little or no room to manoeuvre.
  3. Take parts that are easy to remove with you, such as wheels, lights, baskets or the saddle.
  4. Use the Westgate cycle hub 
  5. Register your bike through Bike Register, which is free.
  6. Get your bike security marked. 
  7. Get a frame lock with an optional chain. This locks the back wheel easily and quickly and the chain fixes the bike to a solid object giving a second layer of defence.
  8. Lock your bike in a highly visible place where thieves will be seen
  9. Use a bike alarm which sends a message to your phone if your bike is tampered with
  10. Take the same care to lock your bike securely at home as you would on the street.


ALSO READ: Crime-fighter on one-man crusade to stop the recent rise in bike thefts

If your bike has been stolen, contact the police as soon as possible by calling 101.

Oxford Central Neighbourhood Policing team will be running engagement events in the new year to provide a number of funded D-locks to the public as well as to sign people up to Bike Register.

Other NPTs in the wider Oxford area regularly run bike marking events for the public, details of which can be found on the Thames Valley Police social media channels before they take place.

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