Oxford City Council has announced a new £5,000 grant for its licensed Hackney Carriage drivers to switch to an electric vehicle.

The grant, funded by the Energy Superhub Oxford Project, is available to up to 17 Oxford taxi drivers as a contribution towards purchasing a new Ultra Low Emission Hackney Carriage.

The £5,000 grant funding, combined with a contribution grant from LEVC, and the Government Plug-in Grant means that taxi drivers can save around £12,200 (22 per cent) on the cost of a new TX electric taxi costing £55,600, or an all-electric Nissan Dynamo costing £55,495.

Currently there are seven electric taxis in Oxford, five Hackney Carriage and two private hire, with numbers expected to increase with the introduction of the Zero Emission Zone Pilot, which is set for launch later this year.

Under the Zero Emission Zone Pilot, the Councils have agreed emissions requirements for Hackney Carriage vehicles that will be implemented through the Council’s licensing powers.

Hackney Carriage e-taxis licensed in Oxford will have to phase to zero-emission vehicles, with drivers able to get a licence in 2025 if they have a zero-emission cab.

There will be a 50% discount for petrol-electric hybrid private hire e-taxis, and out of town Licenced Hackney carriage vehicles that:

  • emit less than 100 g/km CO2 if the date of first registration is before 1 September 2018
  • emit less than 140 g/km CO2 if the date of first registration is on or after 1 September 2018

The different limits aim to ensure that more stringent emissions tests for newer vehicles do not lead to cleaner vehicles being penalised over older.

Alongside this grant funding, the Council has also made its Try Before You Buy scheme free, which previously cost £150 per week.

Through this scheme, the Council is supporting the first 10 adopters of zero emission capable Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles that are licensed by the City Council by waiving vehicle licence fees and certificate of compliance test fees incurred up to and ending on 31st March 2024.

The new zero cost will allow for 100 weeks of trials to take place, on a first come first served basis, allowing for more taxi drivers to try out electric vehicles. Drivers are encouraged to participate in a trial whilst the cost remains subsidised.

Councillor Tom Hayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford said: "The newest UN climate report is sounding a ‘code red’ for the planet.

“With this grant funding of £5,000 per taxi, we’re helping drivers to do what they all want to do—keep the city moving, but doing so without polluting our lungs or the planet.

“By switching to electric, local taxi drivers will make big financial and carbon savings." 

To be eligible for the grant, proof of purchase is required and the vehicle will need to be licensed with Oxford City Council.

Hackney Carriage drivers who are interested in the funding, or would like to find out more should email AirQuality@oxford.gov.uk.