FAMILY and friends of a popular 20-year-old who died after a crash with a lorry have paid tribute to the "amazing" young man.

Isaak Chaab-Styles, 20 , from Charlbury, died at the scene of the accident on the A40, near the turning for Little Barrington, near Burford, on Tuesday.

Isaak’s mum, Vashti Styles left a tribute and said: “To Isaak, our son, grandson, nephew, brother, cousin and amazing friend. You were a young lad who enjoyed life. You enjoyed your time at the gym, you loved and were loved by all of your friends and family.

“You were never angry and always such an inspiration, who we all love so dearly.

“You were taken from us all too soon. You left for work happy on Tuesday morning, and none of us knew that you would not be coming home.

“I would like to thank everyone who went to the scene to try and help save Isaak.

“You were unable to do so, but we thank everyone from the emergency services, and everyone who tried to save him.

“If anyone has any information, or witnessed the collision between a Red Ford Zetec and an HGV, please contact Thames Valley Police, as any information will help us to find out what happened and the events leading up to the end of Isaak's short life.”

Isaak’s friends have also left tributes. Ed Whitehead said: “I’m not sure if you knew how special you were to everyone around you, but I hope you knew how special you were to me.

“You’ve been someone I could rely on since I can remember, and I knew you truly had my back.

“Those who knew Isaak will tell you how easy he was just to be with. I have never met someone who judged so little and cared so much.

“The hundreds of hours spent chatting away doing not all that much have become some of my most cherished.

“Isaak, you should have been an usher at my wedding, a Godparent to my children, and a best friend through life.

“But although you can’t be there in person, I know you’ll be there with me.

“I miss you brother.”

Oxford Mail: Isaak (centre) with his friends Ed Whitehead (left) and Callum Smart (right)

Isaak (centre) with his friends Ed Whitehead (left) and Callum Smart (right)

Jacob Hawley said: “Isaak really was one in a million. Everyone who was fortunate enough to meet him understands just how infectious his positive energy was.

“When he walked into a room, there was a queue of people waiting for a hug.

“He never failed to make us laugh, even until we couldn’t any more.

“He had the most contagious smile you could ever imagine, constantly grinning from ear to ear.

“Isaak always put others above himself; he was the most selfless person that I have been lucky enough to meet, and someone that I considered a brother.

“It just doesn’t make sense that we won’t be able to make more memories with him. He was the kindest soul. Everyone who met Sakky will always carry a piece of him with them.”

Read also: Man in 20s dies in crash with lorry on A40 in West Oxfordshire

Max Mazower said: “It feels strange talking about Isaak now he’s not here anymore.

“I’m going to miss walking into Ed’s cabin and seeing him beaming back at me.

“Everyone knew Isaak was special – everything about him was infectious.

“There aren’t many people who can make a whole room roll around in stitches.

“It felt like you had to cherish him, hold him tight because you were one of the lucky ones who he called his mate.

“When the news broke the other day and we were all sat together, there was one thing we all agreed on; if it was someone else who had passed away, Isaak would be the person that was helping us all, giving us a big hug.

“It takes a really precious guy to do that. We’re going to miss you Isaak.”

Oxford Mail: Isaak (centre) flanked by his friends (from left) Alex McKay, Callum Smart, Max Mazower and Ed Whitehead

Isaak (centre) flanked by his friends (from left) Alex McKay, Callum Smart, Max Mazower and Ed Whitehead

Amin Benbakhti said: “All those fortunate enough to meet Isaak will know what a huge bright and vibrant soul he had.

“He was so selfless, and couldn’t have given anymore to his family and friends.

“He had the most contagious cheeky grin that anyone would vouch for.

“In the short time we were blessed with him, he has left a very big footprint.

“The support shown so far just really just speaks volumes on the impact he has had on everyone’s life during his life.

“He was worthy of so much more and his dreams were becoming a reality, the future looked so bright.

“It hurts me to even say this but, goodbye Sakky, we will love you forever and you will always be in our hearts.

“Rest In peace brother.”

Callum Smart said: “It’s difficult to explain to people who never met him what sort of person Isaak was as he genuinely was one in a million.

“Not a single person who had the honour of meeting him would tell you any different or have a bad word for him as his outlook on life was always to have a good time and make the most of what you’ve got.

“Although his life was short, he managed to have a genuine impact on so many people bringing smiles and jokes wherever he went.

“On the rare occasion he wasn’t out with us you could always tell there was a piece missing from the group.

“Now that piece has gone for ever but never forgotten. We love you Sakky, you really were a true gent and an undisputed legend.”

Alex McKay said: “This world did not deserve him, but he deserved the world.

“With such a bright outlook on life, he would strive to make everyone’s day better.

“Whether that be making you laugh until your ribs hurt or offering a listening ear in a time of hardship, Isaak was always shining and life will never be the same without him.

“However, somehow, even in death, he has brought a whole community of people closer.

“Raising an astronomical amount in such a short time, just reflects how many people hearts he touched over the years.

“Goodbye Isaak, we love you mate. You died happy and forever will be remembered as a hero.

"Rest in peace brother."

Oxford Mail: Isaak (centre) with his friends Alex McKay (left) and Jacob Hawley (right)

Isaak (centre) with his friends Alex McKay (left) and Jacob Hawley (right)

Isaak’s girlfriend, Kate Taylor said: “Although our time together was short, I enjoyed every minute with Isaak.

“I want to thank him for choosing to love me every single day, even on our worst, there was never a doubt in our minds that we wouldn’t have many more years to spend together.

“It’s truly heartbreaking that he will never be able to achieve all the goals and aspirations he had, which would have been shared with everyone around him.

“I’ll never forget the love he showed towards me and the way he looked at me.

“A day never went by where he didn’t make me smile. He deserved the world and I wish I could have given it to him.

“I love you so much Isaak, you will always hold such a special place in my heart.”

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