A VIDEO showing a Low Traffic Neighbourhood [LTN] barrier being removed has gone viral on TikTok - a video-sharing social networking site.

Yesterday it was announced that plans to keep the controversial traffic scheme, in Ealing, West London, would be ripped up.

Since the video was posted, less than 24 hours ago, it has received over 50,800 views and reached anti-ltn campaigners in Oxford.

LTNs were introduced in Temple Cowley, Church Cowley, and Florence Park in March as part of a six-month trial by Oxfordshire County Council.

Since the scheme’s implementation, residents have been divided over whether it will have a positive or negative impact on the community.

Residents from Oxford are now sharing the TikTok’s of the LTN being removed from Ealing on other social media platforms, such as Facebook, arguing that if Ealing can get rid of its LTN, maybe Oxford can too.

Yesterday was not the first time, however, that the LTNs were given a spotlight on TikTok.

Earlier this year, anti-ltn groups from the West London borough shared videos of an ambulance supposedly being held up by the scheme, as well as other clips of traffic jams said to be caused by the LTNs.

At present, there are no videos showcasing the Oxford LTNs have made their way to the app.

The trial period for the LTNs in Oxford is set to end in September, however, the council may choose to extend this trial period for another year if necessary.

The council said it is monitoring the success of the experimental LTN and encourages all residents to comment on their experience via the open consultation page at consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk/Cowley_ExperimentalLowTraffic/consultation