DOZENS of objections have been made against plans to build 200 homes near RAF Brize Norton.

In June, plans to build 214 new homes were refused by West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC).

The applicant, Partner Construction, has now come back with new proposals for the vacant site, south of Milestone Road in Carterton.

Read again: 200 new homes plan near RAF base refused

Documents say all 200 houses will be 'affordable', made up of social rented housing (41.5 per cent), shared ownership (27.5 per cent), affordable rent (25 per cent) and rent-to-buy (six per cent).

Previous concerns related to the layout of the development, including consideration of parking, and requirement for open space and a play area.

A planning statement by the agent, Williams Gallagher, says: “Following the refusal of the previous application, the applicant has undertaken further consultation with the local planning authority and Oxfordshire County Council as highway and education authorities, and as ecology advisor.”

Milestone Road in Carterton. Picture: Google Maps

Milestone Road in Carterton. Picture: Google Maps

Despite this, 36 objections have been made online to the plans, upon publication.

Residents have been commenting on the proposals through the WODC website.

Paul Hughes said the development reflected a problem across Carterton.

He said: “As seems to be the case throughout Carterton, too many houses are trying to be squeezed into too small a space, and the impact on local transport networks, education, healthcare, green infrastructure, pollution and biodiversity are not being seriously looked at.”

Meanwhile, Teresa Whitford raised concerns about traffic in the local area, and the impact on the environment.

She said: “I strongly object to this application.

“How can Milestone Road possibly support another possible 400 cars a day, especially at peak times where it is already used by many commuters travelling to RAF Brize Norton.

WODC refused a previous application

WODC refused a previous application

“I also fear for our wildlife.

“I have already had to report a dead otter that appeared to have been run over to the Environment Agency.”

Judith Puddle added: “Having another 400 vehicles entering onto this road will be a nightmare.

“It is already used as a rat run for people working on the RAF base, and with cars parked along the road it will be dangerous.”

The RAF Falcons decorating the skies above Carterton with their red and white smoke. Picture: RAF Brize Norton

The RAF Falcons decorating the skies above Carterton with their red and white smoke. Picture: RAF Brize Norton

Plans for the 200 homes show the proposed development consisting of 36 flats and 164 houses.

The flats are a mixture of one and two bedrooms while the houses could range from one bedroom to four.

The site is at the southern edge of Carterton, and to the north of RAF Brize Norton, which forms the site’s southern boundary.

To view the proposals, visit the WODC planning portal online and search for reference 21/00228/FUL.