Sir - Can someone please explain why the utility company Scottish and Southern Electricity was allowed to lay an electrical cable, taking power (I assume) from Westmill Wind Farm, to be laid in the ditch along Majors Road (B4508), which they have now filled in. Despite being poorly maintained over previous years by whoever is responsible, the ditch, which runs alongside what is known locally as 100 acre field for obvious reasons, ameliorated some of the flash flooding and surface water problems the residents of Longcot village suffered on July 20, 2007.

Is filling in the ditch going to improve matters? No.

Should I be thrilled that the laying of this new "green" electricity cable - the product of which I suspect is no cheaper - is certainly going to contribute to local flooding? No. I know "Greening" our land requires us all to make a sacrifice - I didn't realise it was actually common sense that was being ditched.

Nick Boyd, Longcot