Sir - I have read about the proposed development of Warneford Meadow in your newspaper over the last few months.

I confess to some dismay that the development seems to be reduced in scale due to the pressure of 1,000 people. We have a son who has a severe and enduring mental illness, which necessitated his admission to Vaughan Thomas ward one year ago under the Mental Health Act. The doctors and nurses worked extremely hard, and with great kindness, on this ward that has facilities which are out-dated and inadequate in so many ways.

The reported phrase by Sietske Boeles that getting Warneford Meadow "registered as a town green remains crucial, otherwise the Department of Health will doubtless cast their greedy eyes on the £11m that could be raised by selling it for development" perplexes me.

Why is it greedy to sell land to fund development of the Warneford Hospital? There is nothing improper with this proposition. Surely the hospital should be praised for trying to raise funds for the development of its existing premises to improve the quality of life of its patients?

Oxford is blessed with many green spaces eg Port Meadow, South Park, University Parks, Christ Church Meadow. However it is not blessed with first-class facilities for the many citizens of Oxfordshire who live daily with a severe and enduring mental illness. The Warneford Hospital has been generous in letting local people walk in the meadow. The civilised way of behaving is for the campaigners to express thanks for this generosity over the years and to accept that this now has to end - it makes me wonder who has the "greedy eyes".

Name and address supplied