POLICE are warning householders in Bicester to be on their guard after a suspected attempted distraction burglary in the town.

It happened at about 6pm on Thurday, when a man called at a house in Trent Crescent and said he needed to read the gas meter, police said today.

The man left when the householder asked where he was from and the woman has since contacted her gas supplier and it appears he was not genuine.

The bogus caller was black, aged between 20 and 25 and was wearing a dark jacket.

PCSO Angie O'Hara said: "Luckily the victim has her wits about her and did not let the man in.

"When asked for ID, he quickly left.

"I am keen to speak to anyone who recognises the descriptiion of the offender or who has suffered a similar experience."

Anyone with information is asked to contact PCSO O'Hara on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.