MP Layla Moran celebrated the centenary of the Hill End outdoor education centre and called on the Government to preserve the outdoor education sector for generations to come.

The Oxford West and Abingdon MP spoke to a visiting class of school pupils and listened to Hill End and Wytham Woods staff about their concerns, and what can be done to get outdoor education going again more widely in Oxfordshire and the country.

As part of the celebrations, a centenary poem was performed by Hill End staff.

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Ms Moran co-sponsored a motion tabled by colleague Tim Farron MP in the Commons, which “urges the Department for Education to review the current policy of no residential visits as they are an essential part of children’s education and establish a clear timeline for when residential visits are likely to resume”.

Ms Moran said: “What’s absolutely clear is that the Government needs to give the sector the support it badly needs before we lose it forever.

"I badly want Hill End to be celebrating again in another hundred years!"

Hill End Centre Director Selby Dickinson said: “Hill End has been providing outdoor learning for 100 years, and we've been delighted to be able to celebrate this today.

"We're also very proud of the work we've done with children and families during this pandemic - to benefit their education, health and wellbeing - but losing most of our summer customers means it will be a very difficult winter ahead."