A SERIES of cuts to Oxfordshire's council budget will be debated tomorrow (September 8).

Oxfordshire County Council's cabinet, its most senior councillors, signed off on £15m of spending cuts last month.

The cuts are being proposed because the council has a duty to balance its budget every year.

The coronavirus and the affect of lockdown have led the council to spend extra money on services, while also losing its usual income from car parks, as well as other fines and fees.

The Government has provided grants to help cover £30m of and overall £51m budget shortfall, and another £4m is expected from Government too.

But to balance the remainder, staff vacancies could be left unfilled, some transport projects are being delayed and a study into reintroducing a council-run youth service could see a severe cut in funding.

Compounding this, the council expects to face harsh spending challenges over the winter, as there is a possibility that seasonal flu and coronavirus together will lead to a large amount of pressure on health and social care services.

Councillors are recommended to approve the budget cuts by their paid staff.