Diamond wedding couples from across the county gathered at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford tonight to celebrate with royalty.

Everyone who married in 1947, the same year as the Queen and Prince Philip, were invited to attend a special Evensong service conducted by the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard.

He spoke about the importance of family in a service which included the hymns Love Divine and The Lord's My Shepherd and a reading by the Lord Leiutenant of Oxfordshire, Hugo Brunner.

Among the 'diamond' couples who gathered at the packed cathedral were Ida and Leonard Butler, from Kirtlington.

Mrs Butler, now 79, said: "It is lovely to share our diamond wedding anniversary with the Queen.

"I still remember watching the Royal wedding all those years ago. My auntie had a television and all the family gathered around to watch."

Elizabeth II was crowned Queen in 1953 and in 1957, granted Philip the title 'Prince of the United Kingdom'.

The wedding, in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947, was a cause for national rejoicing and brought with it the promise of better times ahead.

Also enjoying the service at Christ Church Cathedral last night were Denis and Valerie Riches, of Banbury Road, Oxford.

Mr Riches not only married in the same year as Queen Elizabeth, but was also born on the same day.

He said: "We celebrated our diamond wedding anniversary in June with a big party with our close friends and our two children and six grandchildren.

"Attending the service for the Queen is an added treat."

Gifts poured in from around the world following the Royal wedding. Oxford gave a library table and the Queen sent a letter, thanking the citizens for the "token of their affection and goodwill".