My wife, who is disabled and in a wheelchair, and I were at Templars Square at Cowley, Oxford, waiting for the No 10 Stagecoach bus to Wood Farm on Monday, November 5.

When the bus arrived, one pushchair occupied the wheelchair space and another boarded at our stop.

When we got on, we were told there was no room because the person with the pushchair in the wheelchair space would not move or fold it. So we had to wait 15-25 minutes for the next bus.

When that arrived, where the pushchairs usually go, there were two three-wheeled walking frames and a shopping trolley.

We parked in the designated wheelchair space.

When we got to Hollow Way, two more buggies were allowed to board, making the total three pushchairs, two walking frames, a shopping trolley and our wheelchair which meant the aisle was blocked.

This is not the first time this has happened - the same thing happened the following week. It's a common occurrence on the No 10 service.

I wrote to Stagecoach a month ago and asked who has priority - wheelchairs or pushchairs - but I have had no reply.

Oxford Bus Company has a very good policy - one pushchair or if a wheelchair wants to board, the person with the pushchair is asked to fold it to allow the wheelchair into the wheelchair space.

Occasionally, you get an awkward person who will not fold their pushchair.

On some Stagecoach double deckers, there is a notice in the wheelchair space that a pushchair can use the space if it is vacant, but should a wheelchair need to board, the person with the pushchair will be asked to fold it to allow the wheelchair on.

Only one wheelchair is allowed at a time, which is understandable for safety reasons.

So, looking at the notice, who has priority?

PETER COLLETT The Slade Headington Oxford