OXFORD University has partnered with organisations across the county on a package of support measures to help the local community respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

The institution is making available £10,000 worth of funding to Oxford Hub – a dedicated group of volunteers that are assisting vulnerable and elderly residents with shopping and collecting prescriptions – and Oxfordshire Community Foundation, an independent charity that brings together organisations and people to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged people.

Sara Fernandez, CEO at Oxford Hub, said: "As well as Oxford University’s donation we have recruited several thousand volunteers, including students and staff across the university and colleges.

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"They are shopping for people who cannot leave their house, delivering medicines, providing daily phone check-ins to anyone who feels anxious or alone, and just making sure everyone has someone to turn to for support."

Oxfordshire Community Foundation has set up a 'community resilience fund' to help the voluntary and not-for-profit sector in the county continue to function during the crisis and then recover in the aftermath.

Chief executive of OCF Jane Woodley said: "We have the infrastructure, governance and networks to distribute any funds raised effectively and ethically.

"By all working together we can ensure we are best able to act quickly and proactively to help local charities respond better and recover stronger from the ongoing pandemic."