Oxford's "recycling revolution" has been the talk of the city since it began this time last year.

What other towns, cities and countries had been doing with minimal fuss for years, Oxford embraced for the first time last November when an army of wheelie bins appeared on the streets.

And, predictably, it split the city.

Today, a year on, we report the people's verdict on fortnightly waste collections and recycling.

But for balance we also give you the Town Hall line.

And, predictably, they differ.

While Oxford City Council tells us everything is going swimmingly and they have won the "hearts and minds" of cynics, tales from the streets tell otherwise with stories of vermin, litter-strewn roads and chaotic collections.

There also appears a clamour for a return to weekly rubbish rounds.

The recycling revolution - has it been good value for money?

Some might think not, but at least it has provided us all with something to talk about.