An 11th-hour attempt to stop Oxford University building a giant book depository in Osney Mead will be launched on Monday.

The university wants the facility as a new store for books from the Bodleian Library.

Vale of the White Horse District Council leader Jerry Patterson is to take the unusual step of addressing Oxford City Council, as the Kennington and Hinksey ward councillor, because he said the planned building would affect people living outside the city.

And he said he would challenge city councillors to travel up to Hinksey Heights Golf Club to gauge the visual impact of the building, before deciding whether to give planning permission.

The £29m building was approved by the city council's strategic development committee by six votes to five last month. But days later, 14 councillors signed a petition to ensure the scheme is put to the full council meeting on Monday for a final vote.

The Oxford Preservation Trust, Oxford Civic Society, Oxfordshire Campaign to Protect Rural England and Oxford Green Belt Network have issued a statement accusing the university of seeking to destroy views of the city's dreaming spires.