The Prime Minister says he is 'absolutely confident we can send coronavirus packing' if we all do our bit in acting on the government's advice.

He says this crisis is 'difficult because this enemy is invisible and the answer is to remove the cloak of invisibility.'

He says the government is in negotiations to buy an anti-body test which can tell if you've had the disease. 

He says it 'has the potential to be a game-changer' as once you know you have had it, you're less likely to pass it on and can go back to work. 

He said testing for if you have the disease now is being 'ramped up' and that a coronavirus victim has today gone into a medical trial. 

The Prime Minister added that people need to follow the advice - wash your hands, work from home, avoid social gatherings. 

We need ruthless, determined collective action, he said. 

"I know how difficult it may seem right now but if we do this together, we will save many, many thousands of lives," he added. 

To businesses facing tough times he said: "Stand by your workers - we will stand by you."