Sir - The article PO verdict next year (October 26) raises two important points which may have escaped your readers' attention.

The first point to be made is that post office closures are the direct result of EU legislation, passed a few years ago, firstly as a result of postal services being opened to foreign competition and secondly, the subsidy which the Post Office receives from the government coming to an end next year.

Knowing this, would it be cynical of me to suggest that business was then deliberately taken away from the Post Office in order that they could be shown to be uneconomical and thus closed, without the Government having to admit there was no other option?

The second point is that all the major parties have been economical with the truth when confronting the British voters on a number of policy matters. An example which immediately springs to mind is road charging, another piece of EU legislation, on which the Government conveniently 'back-pedalled' as this will be operated using the EU satellite system Galileo which has been delayed by funding difficulties.

Politicians continually express dismay that we, the voters, appear disinterested in politics. Is it any wonder when, by their obfuscation, politicians are unwilling to admit 'their hands are tied' and as a result we are no longer a truly self-governing country?

David Phipps, Chairman, UKIP WitneyConstituency Association Aston