ARTISTS are being invited to sell their work in Cowley as part of Oxfordshire Art Weeks to help raise money for Oxford Food Bank.

The community gallery will run at Unipart House for three days this May and is accepting applications this month to display art, including painting, sculpture, textiles, ceramics and photography.

Artists chosen to display their work will do so for free, with 10 per cent of any art sold donated to Oxford Food Bank.

The company's Cowley branch announced the food waste charity, which last year celebrated a decade since its creation, as its nominated charity in 2019.

ALSO READ: Food waste charity has saved £7.5m of surplus from landfill

Unipart volunteers weighed donations at Oxford Food Bank to calculate the charity saved more than £1m of food from landfill a year.

Debs Astles, HR director, said: "We want to open up Oxfordshire Art Weeks to our employees and the wider community to help raise money for our nominated charity Oxford Food Bank which saves £1m of food from landfill every year, redistributing it to 80 charities across Oxfordshire.

"If you would like to apply to display your work, whether it’s painting, sculpture, ceramics or photography, get in touch before March 31 to be considered."

To apply email

The Unipart House community gallery runs from Tuesday, May 19 to Thursday, May 21 and will be open to the public.