THE COUNTY fell silent today at services across Oxfordshire to remember the sacrifice made by thousands of soldiers who have given their lives in conflict.

The haunting sound of a bugler playing The Last Post rang out in Oxford to mark the start of the tribute to the fallen at St Giles’.

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Hundreds lined the length of the street on both sides as regiments from the Armed Forces, emergency services, cadet groups and scouts and brownie troupes paraded to the war memorial where a service was held in the run up to the 11am two-minute silence.

Oxford Mail:

Representatives from a range of faith groups read out their own tributes, followed by hymns and the traditional wreath laying by those assembled.

Among the onlookers was Stella Boswell who said she comes every year for personal reasons as she was a prisoner of war during the Second World War while a child in the Philippines. 

The 81-year-old said: "I remember so clearly when the American troops came to free us as I was seven and had just made a birthday wish for it to happen."

Oxford Mail:

She added: "It's so important Remembrance because if you don't remember we just make the same mistakes again."

Mrs Boswell said for her it was about 'remembering without bitterness' what had happened and that she was pleased to see so many turn out for this year's service.

Oxford Mail:

Poppy seller Jeanne Luste-Manning, who volunteers with the 22nd Oxford Sea Scouts agreed, saying: "People have been really generous, as they always are. 

"We've been lucky with the weather but it's great to see so many people here, especially younger people."

The Littlemore resident has been involved with the cadets for 21 years and was also a member of the territorial army.