COFFEE cup recycling bins are to be installed in Oxford city centre, Summertown and Headington.

The scheme, run by the city council and Oxford Direct Services, has been made possible by a grant from Hubbub, one of the UK’s most prominent waste reduction charities.

This year Hubbub linked up with Starbucks to launch The Cup Fund, a new grant fund that aims to kickstart paper cup recycling across the UK.

At the moment, only 25 per cent of single-use coffee cups are recycled nationwide.

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The fund will support 12 projects, one of which is ODS’s successful bid for Oxford, which will launch in December.

Oxford Mail:

Cabinet member for Zero Carbon Oxford Tom Hayes said: “Given the scale of the climate emergency, we’re thrilled to be working with Hubbub to stop single-use coffee cups going into landfill every year. ODS should be commended for their efforts and innovative thinking to help us foster a clean and green Oxford.

“Oxford is proud to be introducing on-street coffee cup recycling, and we plan to make the most of this excellent opportunity by overhauling our high street litter bins, so that people can recycle more of their waste on-the-go.”

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ODS will install dedicated on-street coffee cup recycling bins in high footfall areas.

Maria Warner, recycling and waste strategy manager at Oxford Direct Services, said: “We analysed what people have been throwing into our litter bins and found out single use takeaway coffee cups make up over five per cent of the collected waste from the high streets of Headington, Summertown and Oxford city centre.

“That’s over 12 tonnes of coffee cups a year going into our general litter bins in these three areas alone.”

The programme aims to recycle 650,000 paper cups in the first year.