With the gorgeous summer weather making a comeback, it's difficult to imagine chilly autumn evenings and darker days.

But those of you who enjoy seeing the moon in all it's glory, will be pleased to know it's not long to wait until September's Harvest Moon.

When is September's Harvest Moon?

The full moon, which falls closest to the September equinox, is named after the Harvest season.

It will shine on September 14. Traditionally the Harvest Moon comes from when farmers would need to start gathering crops to prepare for the winter months, using the bright light to extend the working day.

Every three years, the month of the Harvest Moon varies, and appears in October.

When this happens, it is known as the Full Corn Moon apparently.

Is the Harvest Moon bigger or brighter than normal?

Not always. Because the moon’s orbit around Earth isn’t a perfect circle, the Harvest Moon’s distance from Earth is a bit different from year to year. 

The full moon will always look bigger when it’s near the horizon, but it’s not actually bigger. It’s an optical illusion.

When are the other full moons this year?

In October, the full moon is the Hunter's Moon, or also known as the Travel Moon, or if you're feeling despondent, the Dying Grass Moon. This year it will be visible on October 13.

November's full moon is the depressingly named, Mourning Moon.

It marks the beginning of the end and in many cultures it is connected to death and loss. In the US it is known as Beaver Moon. This year, it will rise on November 12.

In December, the Cold Moon will shine on December 12.