If you or a member of your family have been a victim of a sex crime, it is understandable that you would want full retribution.

But those advocating that the public should be told where paedophiles and perverts are living should think carefully.

We have enough blood on our streets already. We don't want any more.

Once it was revealed that an offender was living in a particular street, it would not take long for the address to be pinpointed.

And in many cases, not only would members of victims' families be outside ready to wreak revenge, but we might have half the neighbourhood in threatening mood, causing major problems of law and order.

It is a pity that we don't lock up sex offenders longer - too many get away with short sentences.

But once they have been released from prison, they have to be placed somewhere.

The key is to make sure that their behaviour and movements are properly monitored.

It is no good releasing these types of people into the community, and hoping they will reform.

They must always be considered a risk.

You can never guarantee, whatever treatment they receive, that they will change their ways.

But that doesn't mean that we want to invite a bloodbath outside the home of everyone with a record of sex crimes.

The whole issue of what information should be released needs further intense debate.