LAND in Blackbird Leys could be made into 10 car parking spaces to protect the grass. 

If Oxford City Council give planners the go-ahead then the land at the junction of Blackbird Leys Road and Balfour Road will be tarmacked over and revamped into parking spaces for residents living in the flats. 

In the plans, developers explained how the estates were built at a time when less people had cars – but now, parking pressures have increased and there is no where to park. 

The planners wrote in the application how the lack-of parking means people are blocking footpaths by driving on the grass and parking on the verges, causing damage to the land and 'tree root zones'. 

To stop the problem, the council have put in bollards - but these have been 'unsuccessful'. 

They say the only solution is to make room for formal off-street parking.