RENOWNED Italian film-makers traced the River Thames through Oxfordshire as part of a documentary exploring the impact of Brexit on the waterway.

The River Journal, broadcast on the country’s state TV, follows the world’s rivers ‘from source to sea’ to explore the impact of seismic political events.

The four-strong team of Marzio Mian, Nanni Fontana, Nicola Scevola and Massimo Di Nonno spent six days in the UK earlier this month, spending time in Oxford.

They spoke to residents along the river and Mr Mian revealed their time in Oxfordshire was particularly enlightening.

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He said: “I know the city of Oxford, but it was really interesting to see the relationship of the countryside to the city.

“We met farmers who were very divided over Brexit.

“There was an anger at London, which for some is seen as a place of globalisation for the rich.”

The group were guided along the river by West Oxfordshire District Council's cabinet member for environment, Steve Good.

Mr Good describes himself as a 'keen environmentalist' and is also chair of both the Thames Path National Trail and the Inland Waterways Association for Oxfordshire.

After spending time in Oxford, the film-makers visited Henley, which is famous for the Henley Royal Regatta.

The documentary explores how Brexit will impact residents from the source in Gloucestershire to the Thames Estuary.

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Mr Mian, the former deputy editor in chief of a weekly magazine in leading Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, said it was a useful way to explore wider issues.

He said: “Rivers are still places of beauty, but they can narrate contemporary trends. It's a different way to look at a national drama.

“We felt the relationship between nature and man and the contrast between the country and the city.

“This was very strong in the Thames, where you can feel the Englishness."

The group filmed a similar piece on the River Mississippi during the 2016 American presidential election, while they have also traced Italy's River Po.

Mr Mian said: “We were sure after the America trip that something big would happen."

The River Journal will be aired on TV channel Rai 1 next month, while a written adaptation will be in the Italian GQ magazine.