A DOZEN Oxford soldiers are preparing to take on the Taliban as they fly to Afghanistan for a tour of duty in the war-torn Helmand Province.

The Territorial Army (TA) soldiers are all from 7th Battalion, The Rifles, based at Slade Park Barracks, in Headington, and are among 140 TA troops from across the region who are about to begin a six-month stint.

They have just completed three months of training to ensure they are able to serve alongside soldiers from the regular army. There were also drills preparing the men for coming under enemy attack.

Among those going to Helmand are Rifleman Chris Grant, who served in Basra, Iraq, in 2005. The 35-year-old, who normally works as a doorman at the Bridge nightclub, in Hythe Bridge Street, said: "It's about this sort of time when the last minute nerves set in.

"My family and girlfriend are already jittery about it, but I'm now looking forward to getting out there and doing my job."

He will be part of Salonika Company, which will protect top-ranking officers and division headquarters.

He said: "We haven't really been told much about what we're going to be doing, but we'll soon find out.

"It's always hard to know what to expect. It was the same with Basra."

Rfn Grant was among a 23-strong group of county TA soldiers who served in Basra from May to November 2005.

Their tour of duty coincided with a time of great unrest in southern Iraq, which meant the men witnessed grim scenes, many being called to help at roadside explosions and car bombings.

Rfn Grant still recalls attending the aftermath of a bomb attack which killed four American civilians, saying: "That just goes to show you never know what's going to happen."