A YOUNG conman tricked a couple upstairs while an accomplice stole from their Oxford home.

The burglary in Collinwood Road, Risinghurst, happened at about 8.30pm last night.

Police said the couple found a young man in the back garden of the property, who said there was a problem with the water.

He told them they needed to turn the taps on upstairs. He was let into the house and the couple went upstairs with the man.

When he left the property, the couple noticed that a coat and a gold watch had been stolen from upstairs, £100 had been taken from the living room and another coat, which was by the front door, had also been stolen.

The young man was white, of medium build and about 17 years old with fair hair. He was wearing a brown jacket and had an accent.

Det Con Felicity Parker said: "I am appealing for information from anyone who may have seen anything suspicious in the area.

"It is thought that the man might have tried to force open the front door with a screwdriver and that possibly more than one offender was involved.

"A vehicle was seen to be parked in front of the property with its lights on at the time of the burglary"

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Det Con Parker at Oxford police station via 0845 8 505 505, or if you do not want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

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