The first steps were taken today towards closing Oxford's Peers School and turning it into an academy.

Councillors voted in favour of closing the school, which is a formal requirement if it is to reopen next September as the Oxford Academy.

This means the next stage in the process can begin, which will see parents and those living in the Peers' catchment area consulted again on the plans to transform the school, in Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, into a £30m academy sponsored and run by the Diocese of Oxford.

A consultation has already been carried out over the summer, although there have been concerns raised about the numbers who got involved.

At the county council cabinet meeting yesterday, leader Keith Mitchell said: "The Peers campus is awful and we should be ashamed that it's got to that state.

"When kids arrive, and even the entrance to Peers is pretty grim, they must think 'what have I done to get here'.

"The creation of an academy is an important statement about the valuing of our education and our community. It is very hard to see any reason to oppose it."

Michael Waine, cabinet member for schools, said: "Given the overall poor response from consultation, we need to make a decision on the next step in this process.

"It would be to easy to do nothing, that's not an option.

"The young people are coming through good primary schools and they deserve better.

"That is not to say there has not been improvement at Peers and I thank head- teacher Lorna Caldicott, but there is lots more work to be done.

"Today we have to stand up and be counted. I have not been persuaded there is any other route."

After another period of consultation through the autumn, a final decision will be made in November on whether to give the project the go-ahead.