Blur bassist Alex James is to become associate editor of The Spectator.

He will contribute a fortnightly column to the political magazine.

"Alex's writing is brilliant and his superb autobiography is one of my books of the year," said editor Matthew d'Ancona.

"He is a metropolitan artist who has moved to the country, and he writes of both worlds with wit, charm and wonderful observation.

"I am delighted that he is joining the team."

James recently swapped the showbiz world for life in the country.

The man who has confessed to blowing £1 million on cocaine and Champagne during his Britpop heyday now lives on a 200-acre farm outside Chipping Norton, where he makes cheese and tends a flock of sheep.

His autobiography, Bit Of A Blur, was published earlier this year.

The Spectator has also hired Melissa Kite, deputy political editor of The Sunday Telegraph, as a contributing editor.

d'Ancona described her as "quite simply one of the most gifted writers around".

Both will start writing in October.