Age Concern in Oxfordshire has launched an appeal for more Local Links volunteers in clubs and communities in an attempt to ensure that every older person living in Oxfordshire is helped by a supportive network. An ambitious target, but, with the help of readers of The Oxford Times, it could be achieved.

As their name implies, Local Link volunteers act as the link between older people and all the resources and support available from or through Age Concern. The volunteers work in their own way and devote the amount of time that suits them - even just a little time can make an enormous difference.

All out-of-pocket expenses are paid and Age Concern provides updated information, continuous support, and the opportunity to share ideas.

Local Links not only help to keep older people informed about any services and support available to them, but also any opportunities and activities they might find interesting.

Simply by writing a short article in the local newsletter, one Local Link in South Oxfordshire ensured that six older people from a village were able to claim benefits to which they were entitled, but had not been aware of.

With their community contacts and knowledge, Local Links also ensure that Age Concern is kept up to date about the needs of the older people they are in contact with so that we can help them with important issues affecting them.

Two volunteers in the Vale of White Horse have identified the lack of social opportunities for older people in their villages, so with Age Concern they are organising a coffee morning in order to find about the activities and opportunities people would like.

Local Links have also been very active in the campaign to keep rural post offices open, ensuring that the views of older people in their community actually count.

You could be the Link for any group or community of older people, the elders in your church or village, or even a dance club.

Irene is a Link for her local social club. She said: "It's good to feel useful. Sometimes older people miss out simply because they don't know what's available and it's interesting, so I learn too." Local Links come in all shapes, sizes and ages.

Bill Raddings lives in Bloxham. When asked why he volunteers, Bill said: "I wanted something useful to do. It gives me a real sense of achievement and the pleasure of meeting many nice people."

As well as Local Links, Age Concern is also looking for volunteers to help in all their other departments and services. To find out more about volunteering opportunities or for details of activities in your area, contact Amy Allen at the address below.

For a free copy of the booklet, Guide to Our Services, or to contact the Helpline, please ring 01235 849400. Age Concern Oxfordshire City & County, St Edmund House, 39 West St Helen Street, Abingdon, OX14 5BW. Telephone 01235 849400.