I am a supporter of waste recycling and endeavour to sort as much as possible from our household rubbish to put in the green and blue bins provided by the council.

This week I had a great deal of plastic, paper and cardboard and spent some time sorting it in order to help the council waste collection staff.

It was with some concern, therefore, that on Tuesday (August 21) I saw the contents of all the blue boxes in our road being loaded into a green wheelie bin and then tipped up into a council waste vehicle and crushed.

This clearly shows that not all waste is recycled even though householders are doing their part.

Not only is it demoralising to see this happen when care has been taken to sort the waste, but it is also frustrating that we have to wait two weeks for the collection to take place to then see it disposed of as "landfill".

I have written to Jean Fooks for an explanation but am wondering if any other residents have seen this happen in their locality?

Christine Jackson, Prichard Road, Harberton Mead, Headington, Oxford