Headington has been branded a "banana republic" where people's votes do not count.

A resident has set up a website criticising city councillor Tia MacGregor for not holding a by-election when she changed political parties.

Dr MacGregor stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Quarry and Risinghurst ward at the 2004 election - but left to become an independent, before joining the Tories in May.

On the website - www.quarrybanana.wordpress.com - 'Dave' said: "Welcome to Headington Quarry, the democracy-free zone where your vote doesn't count and your views don't matter.

"Welcome to the ward where the party that finished third in the last election has the seat on the city council."

He goes on to say that Dr MacGregor told residents the reason she was not calling a by-election was because "she wanted to spare the residents being harangued by Labour and Lib Dem canvassers".

He added: "This is a tactic that could have come from Robert Mugabe's guide to winning elections."

Dr MacGregor said she felt the comments on the website were aimed at attacking her personally - not her politics.

She said: "I don't know why he's making it such a personal campaign.

"I don't know what I've done as an individual to offend him so much."

"It does make you feel a bit sad as I basically try to do things to improve and help the ward."

In response to claims on the website that democracy had been taken away from residents of the ward, Dr MacGregor said people had voted for her as a candidate - and not just the party.

She said: "I'm aware the Liberal Democrats got the majority of the votes, but without wishing to sound arrogant, people were voting for me.

"I know people who voted for me because I am a local doctor.

"I also had a bigger majority than the previous Liberal Democrat candidate."

Dr MacGregor conceded it was now up to the residents of the Risinghurst and Quarry ward to decide whether they wished to keep her as their councillor in next May's elections.

Are you Dave? Do you know who Dave is? If so, contact the news desk on 01865 425405 or email nqonews@nqo.com