A win cannot be guaranteed - nor a new star signing promised.

But fans of Oxford United will get their first look at a specially-commissioned work of art within the fortnight.

Brendon Cross, a former director of the club, said the stadium's public sculpture would be unveiled by early September.

Mr Cross is managing director of Witney-based STL Communications, which is helping to fund the £25,000 project.

He said: "Things are progressing well and it won't be long before the work of art can finally be put into position."

The design will be kept under wraps until the sculpture is unveiled, which is hoped to be before a home game.

Mr Cross said: "A lot of fans have been guessing and asking me about the design, but we have wanted to keep it a secret.

"Fans have reacted very positively to the news a work of art will be in place at the stadium."

When planning permission was granted for the Kassam stadium by Oxford City Council, part of the deal required developers to provide a public work of art outside the ground.

Construction work on the project began in mid-March, but Mr Cross said engraving hasd taken longer than planned.

United's main sponsor Buildbase is also one of the supporters of the project, together with architects Ridge and Partners, who drew up the design, and Oxford Stone and Marble.

Mr Cross added: "All of the organisations involved in the project are keen supporters of United who wanted to make sure the sculpture is a fitting work of art."