Sir - Many people may not have noticed, especially at the height of the holiday season, a series of planning applications by Clear Channel (UK) to erect more than 100 bus shelters in Oxford, of which the main purpose is to carry two large illuminated advertisements.

The applications are wasteful since they involve replacing existing bus shelters regardless of condition, including some recently erected.

They are insensitive since they introduce advertisements into conservation areas and near historic buildings. The fact that some existing shelters carry advertisements does not mean that the practice should be extended regardless. In an historic city like Oxford, bus shelters should be designed to be unobtrusive. The aim should be to reduce street clutter rather than add to it.

Advertisers have a different objective which is to attract attention. Illuminated advertisers may distract road-users and will consume energy which would be better conserved.

It is said that if a commercial company takes over bus shelters they will be better maintained. But it is surely not beyond the capacity of local government to maintain and over time improve the city's bus shelters.

This ugly and unsustainable scheme to cover Oxford with illuminated advertisement hoardings disguised as new bus shelters should be thrown out now.

Mark Barrington-Ward, Oxford