Sir - We read with anger and dismay your article on August 17 dealing with the Social Market Foundation (SMF) report on housing and its conclusion that the Oxford Green Belt is "outmoded" and should again be considered as a suitable place for housing development.

This question has now been examined by our elected representatives at district, county and regional level with input from Government- appointed independent examiners.

While we await the findings of Seera in this regard, at district and county level the need for development in the Oxford Green Belt has been dismissed as unjustified and unnecessary. Based on what we know of Seera's position, as set out in the public examination of the draft regional plan, we do not expect that body to reach a different conclusion.

How does a Westminster-based think tank such as SMF, which claims independence but whose website declares that it is partly funded by business interests, have the monumental arrogance to challenge the carefully considered conclusions of those charged with managing local affairs, to say nothing of the democratic principles that have regulated the planning process successfully for many years while protecting ordinary people from the excesses that those same business interests, if unconstrained, would inflict on us? How often must this question be re-visited before it is finally laid to rest?

Perhaps SMF would do well to reflect on their own statement that they have "a commitment to understanding how individuals, society and the state can work together" and show some respect for local people, whose views they failed to seek and who have consistently, and at every opportunity, demonstrated their unequivocal support for retaining the Oxford Green Belt.

Bob Warne Chairman, SPADE (Sunningwell Parishioners Against Damage to the Environment)

Annie Thomas, SPADE secretary, Sunningwell